new year


2018 Let's Do This | The Lipstick Tales

So I’m a little behind here, I know. I don’t like resolutions, I never have. Something about resolutions has always felt staunch and unachievable. I’m more keen on the idea of setting intentions for the year.

I wanted to pick just two things to focus on, because any more than that and I feel like I’m being pulled in different directions.

In 2018, I intend to be present and to grow my passions.

Be present

This is a big one for me. As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, being present is not my forte. Recently I read a quote that said depression is living in the past, while anxiety is living in the future. That really stuck with me. I quite literally have a problem with living everywhere else but the present.

This isn’t something that will ever come easily to me, but I want to be better at it this year. So much time can slip right by if you aren’t paying attention and worrying about what’s coming next. I’m not going to let that happen anymore.

Grow my passions

Essentially what I mean by this is that I want to focus on the things that make me happy, the things I’m passionate about. Example- every year I say I’m going to blog more, and then I get absorbed in all the little details and forget my passion for writing and for sharing thoughts with others. As I get more caught up with everyday life, I forget about practicing all these things that make me happy.

This year, I want to make sure I don’t forget about the things I’m passionate about. I want to make sure I’m putting them into practice, making them a priority and growing with them and as a person as well.

Adjusting to post-grad life hasn’t been the easiest process for me, and I’m looking forward to feeling like I have my feet more underneath me in the coming months. I’m so excited to see what 2018 has in store, and I’m ready to enjoy every moment of it along the way.

What are your resolutions/intentions for 2018?


Looking Back at 2017 | The Lipstick Tales

2017 wasn’t all that I expected it to be. I’m not sure what I really expected it to be, honestly. Mostly, it was a year of change. I experienced more “big life changes” this year than probably any other year in my life. A lot of this year was very hard. Change and I are not BFFs, and I am still learning how to be comfortable with it. But, I learned so much about myself and grew as a person in more ways than I thought possible.

I started 2017 off by doing the scariest and most exciting thing I’ve ever done; I moved away from the only state I’ve ever lived in across the country to New York City to intern for my last semester of college. I learned to love the cold (this was the biggest surprise to me.) I learned how alone you can feel in a city surrounded by millions of people. I learned what it’s really like to work for a fashion designer (hint: The Devil Wears Prada isn’t a perfect depiction) and loved every minute of it. I learned the city can feel like home if you let it. I also learned that I wasn’t quite ready for it to be my home, and I decided to leave the city to start my “real adult” life back in Texas.

Fun fact: Between living there and all the trips I took, I spent more time in New York than in Texas in 2017!

Looking Back at 2017 Graduation | The Lipstick Tales
Photo by Shelby Nickel Photo

Then, I graduated college. I crossed the stage twice and officially earned two degrees in retail merchandising and public relations, and then I panicked. Okay, I’m done with school… now what? I had already been away from my friends for 6 months, but I started to realize we weren’t all going to be living just a minute’s walk away from each other now that I was back in Texas. So what was my solution? Move back to Austin and pretend everything is the same anyway!

Looking Back at 2017 Friends | The Lipstick Tales

So I moved back to Austin. I made a lot of new friends, started my first full-time job, and learned that Austin post-grad isn’t what I wanted it to be. And that’s okay. I’m 22, I’m figuring it all out still.

It seems like every year I look back and think of everything I could have changed, everything I wanted to be different, every way the year “went wrong.” It’s okay if the past year wasn’t your best year yet, and it’s okay if it’s nothing close to what you thought it would be going into it. All in all, 2017 through me for a loop. With each step I took, (or misstep – #tbt to spraining my ankle by stepping off a curb wrong) I learned something about the world and about myself.

As with any year, I’m ready to close this chapter of the book and start a new, fresh page. As I get older, the less I know what to expect with each coming year. I probably won’t have it all figured out by the end of 2018, either. Although this year shook out different than I thought, I will always look back at this year and smile. This year I realized my strength and resiliency. In each of the 9 pictures below, I can detail out the excitement I had for what came next, and that’s the exact feeling I have about the coming year.

2018, I’m ready for you.

Looking Back at 2017 Best Nine | The Lipstick Tales


New Year 2017 | The Lipstick Tales

[download wallpaper]

There’s a great deal in store this upcoming year, and my biggest adventure begins in just over 2 weeks. (!!!) I’ve never really been one to make resolutions, but I felt this year is different. Not only am I moving to a completely new city, but I will graduate college in May. This year will be big, and it’s going to be my year.

I made some goals for this year that I’m really excited about and wanted to share! I’m a big list maker, so listing out goals and getting to cross them off once they’re achieved is one of the most satisfying feelings. (Be sure to check out my 101 in 1001 also!)

I read a post recently about choosing an intention for the year from these three: abundance, passion and growth. I chose passion and growth as my intentions for 2017, and my goals I created center around nurturing and growing my passions. You may start to see some changes around the blog!

2017 Goals

 Get more serious about blogging/post more frequently

Redesign blog

Transition to a plant-based/vegan diet (expect a post on this!)

Write wellness/fitness posts

Take more pictures

Express more gratitude

Be present

Be intentional

I chose to keep most of my goals pretty broad, so they’re more of intentions than goals. I really like the idea of being intentional with everything you do, and circling back to my overall intentions set for the year. (wow how many times can I say the word intention?!)

So what does it mean to be intentional?

To me, this means to engage with your life. This means to live with purpose and to make everything you do meaningful and fulfilling. This is how I want to live.

Happy New Year! I wish all of you the best this year, and hope you had a wonderful time ringing in the new year. What are your 2017 goals or resolutions?



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